There is, as our residents are constantly telling us, a severe shortage of primary school places in North Swindon which has resulted in :-
- Families in Oakhurst having to send their children to Rodbourne Cheney as it is their nearest available primary school place
- Families living two minutes away from their local primary school being told that families half that distance away from the school could not get in this year
- Families being told that if they live more than a couple of hundred metres away from their local school they are too far away to be guaranteed a place
In light of this a Freedom of Information request was recently made to Swindon Borough Council for :
"Copies of correspondence received by Swindon Borough Councillors or Officers in support of or requesting either, additional primary places, or a new primary school in North Swindon for September 2011, 2012 or beyond . Please also provide the year groups to which these letters or emails refer."