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Chair: Paul Exell (email: phone: 01793 703276)

Membership Secretary: Sarah McDermott

Friday 8 February 2013

Chair of ORA writes to Education Department

29th January 2013

Dear Education Department,
Re: North Swindon School Place Consultation
I believe that I witnessed an injustice being perpetrated against Oakhurst families and their children when I attended the Mouldon Hill consultation session at the Tawny Owl on 23 January 2013 and felt I had to write to you to express my concerns about both the proposals and the consultation process. 
First and foremost I have to agree that there is a serious shortfall in the number of primary school reception places in Oakhurst and Redhouse.  We have numerous residents that have reported having their reception age children placed, against their preference/s, as far away as Rodbourne Cheney, Pinehurst and West Swindon for the September 2012 academic year.  In fact, ORA have been told by Oakhurst residents that they are thinking of moving or have been forced to move to secure a local school place for their child. 

I must remind you that the stated need for primary school places, according to SBC’s own documents, is in Oakhurst and Redhouse.  It therefore seems illogical that the proposal for the new school should be at Taw Hill/Mouldon Hill and with a consultation taking place in Taw Hill only.  Surely if the shortfall is in Oakhurst and Redhouse then the consultation, at the very least, should have taken place there to get the views of the residents the school is intended to serve.
There is a risk, in my view, that holding the consultation in Taw Hill for a proposed school in Taw Hill will lead to an artificially biased result for the consultation – indeed I heard one resident for Taw Hill say that the school was in wrong place, and should not be built on Mouldon Hill Country Park, but she was for it if it meant her children could get a school place in Taw Hill.
Residents are already aware that living more than a couple of hundred metres from a school will effectively make it impossible to get a place in your local school.  So how can it be practical or sensible to build a school so far away from the communities it is purported to be there to serve?  People in Oakhurst, particularly the ones in the Mayfly Road corner, will have little or no chance of getting their children into a school at Taw Hill.  The proposed school will more likely be used by families in Mouldon Bridge, Ridgeway Farm and Taw Hill, all areas substantially closer to the site, and not the families where you have so clearly documented the need.
I was also concerned that comments were only being sought for one of the Taw Hill/Mouldon Hill sites, even though the other sites were being displayed on the maps.  Again, these other sites were not shown on the SBC website and were therefore not freely visible to residents who did not make it to the consultation in Taw Hill.  This leads one to think that the extra sites were simply there to give the appearance that there had been other options, when in fact there were not.   At no point did the consultation survey ask about these other sites or even let residents know that they were a possibility.  This leads me to a worrying conclusion that they are intended to simply make the consultation look more exhaustive than it actually is – I hope that this not the case.
With regards to the on-line survey form, I have to say that I feel that it is a risk to only request a postcode from residents filling it out.  There is no guarantee that this survey was not open to fraudulent manipulation.  What process is in place, for example, to stop someone submitting multiple responses, either for or against the site, to manipulate the result of the consultation?  There is no way of determining if the person filling out the on-line form actually lives at the postcode they have claimed to represent or are simply using a postcode finder service to identify postcodes in the area to use.

I have, as I made clear to you at the consultation event, very strong views about allowing the precedent of building on a public open space in the Mouldon Hill Country Park.  It is not alright for the Borough to attempt to do something that they would not, one would hope, allow a private developer to do.  However with the recent issues at Pickard’s Field one has to question this.   If we are to condone the building of a school by SBC on Mouldon Hill Country Park we are opening up a loophole that developers are sure to exploit.  This was amply demonstrated with the recent Ridgeway Farm appeal.  The Borough argument that the development should not be built up against the Swindon border, as SBC wanted to preserve a green buffer between Swindon and Wiltshire, was turned down by the Planning Inspector as, by building up to its own border, Swindon had set the precedent for not having a green buffer.
The Mouldon Hill site also suffers from many other issues – many of which were made clear in the Cabinet Papers dated 12th December 2012, paragraph 3.23 - “it must be noted that there are potentially a number of issues that could arise through locating a primary school on the Mouldon Hill site: linked to access off the dual carriageway and across the Swindon and Cricklade Railway line, the need to bridge a floodplain to reach the school site and to reroute power lines that traverse the site. These issues could have a significant impact on the cost of any new provision on top of the construction costs....”
With reference to the Redhouse site, you made the statement that it appeared to be too small.  Has the option of including a community facility in the school been considered?  If it was, then the adjacent land earmarked for the community centre could be utilised as playing pitches for the school site.
Surely it would have made more sense to have an open and transparent consultation outlining all of the options available, held in the area the school is supposed to serve, rather than one outside of the area that only considers one of the many sites shown.
As Chair of ORA, I urge SBC to reconsider their proposals to build a school on our public open at Mouldon Hill Country Park.  I believe that SBC should listen to the Oakhurst residents and build a school for Oakhurst children in Oakhurst.
Yours sincerely,


Paul Exell, Chair of Oakhurst Residents’ Association